【World Vision - 智視唇語口罩 | Window Mask 2.0 現已接受訂購,預計五月中發貨】
本月28 APR 至 2 MAY將有由貿發局舉辦的 #時尚購物展活動,現場將有8個展區達400個參展商參加 (活動簡介) ,絕對係消閒好去處的選擇之一,智世亦將於健康生活展區提供各種產品和優惠等大家可以趁呢個機會入翻批靚貨 !


▪ BFE > 99% , PFE > 98% , Level 2
▪ 熔噴濾芯
▪ 白色唇語口罩配白色耳繩
▪ 獨立包裝
▪ 尺寸: 20.4 cm x 8.2 cm (耳繩長度 : 16 cm)
智視唇語口罩非香港製造,此批次由World Wisdom國内R&D公司研發及生產。
訂購 World Vision 唇語口罩連結:https://bit.ly/3caQxRJ
Thank you for supporting our launch of World Vision Window Masks. Our first version has been quickly sold out - in record time of 3 days!! Since the launch, we have taken into account all of our lovely customer feedback and have improved our product!
We are so happy to introduce to you our Window Mask 2.0! Whats new?
1) Increased visibility through enlarged window frame
2) Stronger anti-fog coating
In Hong Kong, there are over 100,000 people who need this window mask product for easier communication. We hope this window mask 2.0 will benefit those that both need and want increased communication, such as Teachers, Speech Therapist, Doctors, Professors & The Deaf and more!
We are now offering discounted price $48/pack (5 individually wrapped masks) with estimated delivery for Mid-May.
Order Here Now : http://bit.ly/3caQxRJ